Expert Auto Accident Attorneys in Orange County

Table of Contents

Representing victims in court

A lawyer comforting a distressed client after a car crash.

Auto accident attorneys stand up for victims in court. They make sure the person who got hurt has a voice. Lawyers like those at Bisnar Chase have helped over 14,000 clients and know how to win cases.

They fight hard so their clients can get money for things like medical bills and pain from the crash.

Having someone who knows the law can change everything when you are dealing with a car accident case. These lawyers argue in front of judges and try to show that someone else was not careful and caused the crash.

With Bisnar Chase, they’ve won many times before, so they’re ready to help accident victims get what’s fair.

Importance of Hiring an Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

An auto accident attorney standing confidently in a bustling courtroom.

In the bustling streets of Orange County, an auto accident attorney is your indispensable shield against the tidal wave of legal woes that can follow a crash. They’re not just lawyers; they’re seasoned navigators of the complex legal terrain who fight tirelessly to secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

Skilled trial lawyers

Skilled trial lawyers like those at Bisnar Chase shine in the courtroom. They come ready with strong arguments and sharp skills to fight for car crash victims. With over 14,000 clients helped, including many from car accidents, these attorneys know how to take on tough cases and win.

They are not afraid of battling it out with big insurance companies or holding negligent drivers responsible.

Hiring a seasoned attorney means getting someone who can tell your story powerfully in front of a judge or jury. The team at Bisnar Chase has shown time and again that they have what it takes to get their clients the justice they deserve.

Whether in negotiations or at trial, their legal expertise can make all the difference for people hurt in auto accidents.

Award-winning legal reputation

Bisnar Chase stands tall with an award-winning streak in legal battles. Their team, armed with expertise and a knack for winning, has helped over 14,000 clients claim victory. This includes thousands of people hurt in car crashes who needed someone tough to fight for them.

With a success rate that soars at 99 percent and over $800M recovered for folks they’ve stood up for, their name shines bright in the courtroom.

You want winners on your side when you’re dealing with something as serious as motor vehicle accidents. These attorneys don’t just have skill; they have trophies and a trail of happy clients to prove it’s not all talk.

They’re the champions you call when insurance companies try to push you around or if your case needs to go before a judge – they’re ready and able to get you the justice you deserve.

Proven record of success

Auto accident attorneys in Orange County have a history of winning big for their clients. Take Aitken Aitken Cohn, with a top 10 rank among California firms and Tier 1 status for impressive skills and results.

They’ve notched up many wins in car crash injury cases, showing they know how to fight hard for their clients.

Firms like Bisnar Chase also shine with over 14,000 people helped across the board. They’ve stood by thousands hurt in car crashes, securing settlements that really make a difference.

Their track record says it all: these lawyers are serious about getting you what you deserve after an accident.

Key Questions to Ask Your Orange County Car Accident Lawyer

A person discusses legal documents with a lawyer after a car accident.

Navigating the aftermath of a car crash can be as winding as Orange County’s Pacific Coast Highway, so arming yourself with pivotal questions for your auto accident lawyer is key—stay tuned to uncover what you need to ask.

How much do car accident lawyers charge?

Car accident lawyers get paid on a no-win, no-fee basis. This means you don’t pay them upfront. Instead, they take a part of the money you win from your case. Most of the time, they charge about one-third of what you recover.

So if your lawyer helps you win or settle your car crash claim, expect to give them around 33 1/3 percent of that amount. Their fee can vary though; some might ask for between 31% and 45% based on how complex the case is.

The good thing is, if there’s no victory in court or settlement with the insurance company, you owe them nothing for their efforts.

What is my car crash case worth?

Your car crash case value depends on many things. If you got hurt, the cost of your medical care, lost wages, and your pain and suffering matter a lot. Sometimes figuring out what that dollar amount is can be tricky.

Think about how bad your injuries are. Did you need lots of doctor visits? Maybe you couldn’t work for a while because of the accident? Also, dealing with pain isn’t easy; it’s something you might get money for too.

Auto Accident Attorneys in Orange County know these things well. They use their skills to make sure you don’t pay from your pocket for an accident that wasn’t your fault. These lawyers work hard to lower what you owe in medical bills.

This way, when all is said and done, more money stays with you – not someone else.

How long do I have to file a car accident claim?

In California, the clock starts ticking after your car accident. You get two years to file a personal injury lawsuit for injuries and losses from that crash. If you wait too long and miss this deadline – called the statute of limitations – you won’t be able to take legal action to recover damages.

This time limit is strict; starting your claim early gives your attorney more time to build a strong case. So, acting fast is key if you’re hurt in an auto accident, especially when dealing with insurance claims or looking for compensation for things like medical bills or car repairs.

Steps to Take After an Auto Accident in Orange County

A worried driver speaking with a police officer at a car accident.

Just been in a fender-bender or something more serious on the Orange County roads? Knowing what to do next can be a game-changer, from protecting your rights to ensuring you’re set for any legal battles ahead.

Reporting the accident

After a car crash in Orange County, you need to tell the police and California DMV fast if anyone got hurt or if there was a big mess. You’ve got ten days to report it, especially if folks are injured or cars can’t drive.

The law says if someone was hurt, died, or property damage is more than $1,000, this step is a must. Getting your accident on record helps when you talk to insurance companies later.

Tell the truth but stick to the facts when you talk with any officer. They will make a police report which is super important for your case. It’s got details like who’s involved and what happened.

This paper becomes key evidence for auto accident attorneys working on getting you help after the wreck.

Gathering evidence

Gathering evidence is like putting together pieces of a puzzle. You want to show the truth about who caused the crash and how it hurt you. Start collecting at the accident scene if you can.

Take photos of the cars, roads, traffic signs, and your injuries. Look around for any cameras that might have seen what happened. Talk to people who saw the crash and write down what they say.

Keep all this information safe.

If you’re hurt, see a doctor right away so they can help you and make notes about your injuries. This could be very important later on when you talk to insurance companies or go to court.

Always keep copies of medical reports, bills, and anything else that shows how the accident has affected your life.

Remember: every detail counts in showing what really happened during your car wreck—and how much it has changed things for you.

Seeking medical treatment

Right after a car crash, getting checked by a doctor is key. Even if you feel okay, some injuries like whiplash or brain injuries are hidden at first. A quick visit to the hospital can spot these early.

This not only helps your health but also your car accident case. The doctor’s report shows how the crash hurt you and this helps when asking for money to cover your bills.

Make sure to keep all your medical records and notes from each visit—whether it’s for broken bones or emotional trauma. They’re proof of what the accident did to you. If you need things like physical therapy or have long-term harms like spinal cord injury, these records will be important later on when talking about how much money you should get.

Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Auto Accident

Navigating the aftermath of an auto accident in Orange County is complex—but here comes the real challenge: dealing with insurance companies. It’s a dance of strategy and knowledge, where saying too much—or too little—can make all the difference in your claim..

What information to provide

After a car crash, call your insurance company. Tell them what happened and share the other driver’s insurance details. Be ready to describe the accident but stick to facts like where and when it occurred, the cars involved, and any injuries or damage you saw.

It’s important not to guess or say who was at fault.

Take notes during this chat so you remember what both sides said. Your words can affect your claim, so it’s best to keep things clear and simple. If asked for more info or a recorded statement, it might be wise to talk with an auto accident attorney first.

They know how these talks go and can help protect your rights.

How to handle insurance adjusters

Insurance adjusters work for car insurance companies. Their job is to look at the crash and decide how much money the company should pay you. They might try to give you less money than you need for your car fixes and medical bills.

It’s smart to get a personal injury lawyer who knows how to talk to these adjusters. Your lawyer will make sure they understand all about your injuries, like spine or brain injury, and the pain you feel.

Your lawyer can also talk about other losses like wages from not being able to work or emotional stress from the crash. Let them do the talking so that you don’t say something that could hurt your case.

They know how accidents work in Orange County, CA, and will stand up for what’s fair for you while dealing with tricky insurance adjuster tactics.

Dealing with uninsured or underinsured motorists

Getting hit by a driver with no insurance can be tough. You might feel stuck, but you have options. File a claim with your own insurance if the other driver was uninsured or took off after the crash.

This is called an uninsured motorist’s claim and it’s there to help you out.

Sometimes, even if drivers have some insurance, it’s not enough to cover all your bills. Your lawyer can guide you through this mess and work hard to get what you need from your own policy.

They know how to talk to the insurance folks so that you don’t get pushed around or settle for less than what’s fair for your injuries and car fixes.

Proving Negligence in an Auto Accident Claim

Establishing fault in an automobile mishap is key—it’s the cornerstone of your claim, after all—so when negligence rears its ugly head, you’ll want an attorney who’s adept at unveiling it..

ready to learn how they do it? Keep reading.

Determining who is at fault

Figuring out who caused the car accident is a big part of the case. It’s like putting together pieces of a puzzle. Lawyers look at everything that happened to find out whose fault it was.

Sometimes, it’s because someone wasn’t paying attention while driving or they were going too fast. Other times, accidents happen because a car isn’t working right or because someone didn’t fix something they should have.

To show someone was careless with their driving and caused harm, there needs to be strong proof. This means gathering facts from the crash scenetalking to people who saw what happened, and checking all the details about the cars and drivers involved.

If one driver broke traffic rules or was drunk behind the wheel, this can help prove it was their fault.

Understanding California’s comparative fault laws

California has a rule called “pure comparative negligence“. This means if you’re in a car crash, and it’s partly your fault, you can still get money for it. The court looks at how much of the accident was your fault and takes that part out of your money.

For example, if the judge says you get $100,000 but you were 20 percent to blame, then you would actually get $80,000.

Courts in California use this law to figure out who should pay after a wreck. Even if someone is more at fault than you are, both sides might end up paying some money. In Orange County, where people tend to win more money in court than places like San Bernardino County, knowing about comparative negligence can really matter when seeking damages for stuff like medical bills or missed work days.

The concept of negligent entrustment

Negligent entrustment happens when someone gives their car to a person they know shouldn’t be driving. Maybe this person drives too fast or pays no attention on the road. If that unfit driver causes a crash, the one who handed over the keys can also be in trouble.

This is because they should have thought twice before letting an unsafe driver take the wheel.

Imagine you own a car and your friend asks to borrow it. You know your friend often texts while driving and has caused fender benders before. But you say yes anyway, and then your friend hits another car, hurting someone badly.

You could face claims for negligent entrustment since you let an unsafe driver use your vehicle knowing their bad habits behind the wheel.

Types of Compensation in Auto Accident Claims

Navigating the aftermath of an auto accident isn’t just about healing physically; it’s also about securing financial stability for the road to recovery. From mounting medical bills to the potential hit on income, understanding the full spectrum of compensation available can be a lifeline—something an adept Orange County attorney will fight tooth and nail to maximize for you.

Medical expenses

After an auto accident, medical costs can pile up fast. You might need to pay for doctor visits, hospital stays, and medicines. These expenses are not just for now but also for care you may need later on.

Injuries like broken bones or a hurt neck could mean big bills over time.

Car crashes often lead to serious harm such as spinal cord injuries or traumatic brain injury (TBI). If you’re hurt badly, the money needed for your care goes way up. This is true especially if you need long-term treatment or therapy.

Lawyers know that bad injuries make the cost of medical help higher when they ask for money in personal injury claims. They work hard to get enough money to cover all your health care needs because of the accident.

Lost wages

Getting hurt in a car crash can mean missing work. Missing work means not getting paid. If you’re in an accident, you might lose money because you can’t do your job. You must show how many days of work you missed and how much money that cost you.

Your lawyer will help prove this to get the money back in your claim.

An auto accident attorney works hard so that lost wages don’t make your life harder after a crash. They gather proof like pay stubs and talk to your boss to show exactly what income you missed out on while recovering from injuries.

This way, they fight for every dollar of the wages you should have earned if the accident never happened.

Pain and suffering

Pain and suffering are real things you may face after a car crash. It’s not just about the broken bones or cuts; it’s also about the hurt you can’t see. Think of how hard some days can be if you feel scared, sad, or in pain all the time.

Courts know this is important, so they let people ask for money to help with these troubles. The more severe your injuries, the higher the amount could be. This money is separate from what you get for medical bills or fixing your car—it’s there to support you while you heal from both visible and invisible wounds.

Common Causes and Types of Auto Accidents in Orange County

In the bustling streets of Orange County, a distracting text or a hurried driver running late can turn a routine drive into chaos—auto accidents here come in many forms, often rooted in our everyday vices.

Whether it’s the buzz from that last drink echoing behind drunk driving incidents or the silent danger of speeding past those rigorously enforced limits, understanding these common triggers is vital to safeguarding our community roads.


Speeding puts everyone on the road in danger. Cars going too fast can’t stop quickly, and drivers have less time to react to things happening around them. This is a big problem in Orange County where many accidents happen because someone was going over the speed limit.

The numbers tell us that crashes are getting worse, with more people dying from car accidents in California lately.

Driving too fast might seem like no big deal sometimes, but it can lead to serious crashes like head-on collisions or rollover accidents. When you’re speeding, you could hurt yourself or others badly – causing problems like broken bones or even paralysis.

Traffic safety rules are there for a reason; they keep us all safer on the roads.

Distracted driving

Distracted driving keeps popping up as a big problem in Orange County. It happens a lot when people text while driving or do other things that take their eyes off the road. This can lead to very bad crashes and hurt many people.

If you are ever in such an accident, it’s crucial to have a lawyer who knows all about these kinds of cases. They understand how distracted driving can make someone at fault for an accident, and they know what steps to take next.

A good lawyer will dig deep into your case. They’ll talk to witnesses and look at evidence like phone records or dashcam videos. With this info, they aim to show clearly that the other driver wasn’t paying enough attention when they should have been.

That way, if you got hurt because someone else was not looking where they were going, you stand a better chance of getting help with your medical bills or any pay you miss out on because you can’t work.

Drunk driving

Drunk driving causes many car crashes in Orange County. People who drive after drinking might crash head-on or slam into the side of another car. California’s laws say you have only two years to ask for money for injuries or losses from these kinds of crashes.

That’s why it’s important to talk with a lawyer fast if you’ve been hit by a drunk driver. They can help you understand your rights and what money you may be able to get for your trouble and hurt.

Hit and run incidents

Hit and run incidents in Orange County leave many with unanswered questions. Picture this: a car speeds away after causing an accident, leaving behind someone hurt or with a damaged vehicle.

The first thing to do is call the police and get medical help if needed. It’s important to write down everything you remember about the other car like its color, make, model, and any part of the license plate you saw.

Now think about what comes next. You have to tell your insurance company about the hit and run right away. They can start looking into your uninsured motorist coverage to help pay for repairs or medical bills.

Keep in mind that finding who caused the crash matters a lot because it affects who pays for what happened. Remembering these steps makes dealing with the aftermath of a hit and run less overwhelming.

How Top Orange County Auto Accident Attorneys Can Help

Navigating the aftermath of a car crash is no solo mission. With top Orange County auto accident attorneys on your side, you’ve got allies to chart the course—cutting through legal jargon and red tape ..

all aimed at steering you towards the compensation you deserve.

Building a strong case

To build a strong case, Orange County auto accident attorneys start with the basics. They collect evidence right away—like car accident photos that show damage or injuries. These pictures help prove what happened and how bad things were.

Lawyers also talk to witnesses who saw the crash, getting their stories down quick before memories fade.

Good lawyers know every detail counts in court or when dealing with insurance companies. They work hard to show someone else was at fault—that they didn’t take reasonable care—and caused your injuries or losses.

Attorneys use this proof to fight for money you need for medical billstime off work, and pain you felt after the accident. And remember, Bisnar Chase has already won over $800M for people hurt in car wrecks around Anaheim and other places nearby; they’re really good at winning these cases!

Negotiating with insurance companies

Talking with insurance companies is a key part of getting paid after a car crash. Auto accident lawyers are really good at this. They know how to talk so the insurance company listens.

These lawyers use facts about your crash, like who got hurt and how bad, to make sure you get enough money for what happened.

An Orange County auto accident attorney will fight for every dollar you deserve. They handle the tough talks with the insurance adjuster so you don’t have to. If someone else caused your wreck, your lawyer makes sure they pay up through their liability coverage.

And if the other driver didn’t have enough insurance, your lawyer will work hard to find other ways to get you money.

Taking the case to trial if necessary

Sometimes, in car crash cases, you don’t get a fair offer from the insurance company. Then you might need to take your case to court. A good auto accident attorney is ready for this step.

They are skilled trial lawyers who know how to fight for you in front of a judge and jury.

Your lawyer will use evidence and witnesses to show that the other driver was at fault. They aim to get you money for your medical bills, lost work time, and pain from your injuries.

Every case is different because each accident and injury is unique. But if going to trial is best for you, your attorney will be by your side the whole way through.

Selecting the Right Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

Navigating the aftermath of a car mishap can be as tricky as a congested 5 freeway during rush hour — that’s why you’ll need an ace auto accident attorney steering your legal battle.

In the sea of billboards and flashy ads in Orange County, choosing your champion is about digging deeper; it’s about who’ll ride shotgun all the way to justice town, not just who has the biggest roadside sign.

Checking the attorney’s experience and track record

Picking the right auto accident attorney in Orange County means looking at their past work. Find out how many cases they’ve won and what kinds of accidents they know best. For instance, Bisnar Chase boasts a stellar 99 percent success rate with over $800M recovered for clients.

That’s proof they know how to handle automobile accidents and get results.

You also want a lawyer who’s seen it all—from fender-benders to catastrophic injuries like amputations. Check if their wins include tough fights like yours. Easton & Easton LLP stands out because they only fight for victims, not insurance companies, showing where their loyalty lies—with people hurt in crashes, not the big money side.

Looking at client reviews

Client reviews can shine a light on how auto accident attorneys in Orange County handle cases. Happy clients often talk about their lawyer’s skill and kindness. They might share stories of getting more money than they thought possible or feeling supported during tough times.

Reviews can also tell you how lawyers deal with insurance companies or if they’re great at explaining legal stuff.

Bisnar Chase boasts glowing testimonials, with many praising their 99 percent success rate for car accident cases. People love that these attorneys have helped over 14,000 clients and applaud Brian Chase for his dedication to recovering health, peace of mind, and money lost from accidents.

Reading what others say helps you trust they’ll fight hard for your rights too.

Scheduling a free consultation

Getting advice from a car accident lawyer in Orange County can be easy and free. You just call up the attorney’s office to set a time to chat about your crash. This talk is super helpful for learning some important stuff.

Like if you need a lawyer, how much money your case might bring, or what steps to take next. They’ll explain California’s two-year deadline for filing an injury claim too.

During this meeting, the attorney can figure out if someone else caused your accident on purpose or by not being careful. Plus, they’ll tell you about handling insurance claims and fighting for your rights against drivers who didn’t have enough insurance—or none at all! It’s a smart move that doesn’t cost anything but could make a big difference for you.


If you get hurt in a car accident, an Orange County auto accident attorney can really help. These lawyers are tough and win a lot of cases. They know how to talk to insurance companies and fight for you in court if they need to.

Remember, after an accident, act fast: report it, gather evidence, and see a doctor. Ask your lawyer about charges and what your case might be worth—they work on a “no win, no fee” basis often.

So don’t wait; reach out to them for free advice to start fixing things up!


1. What do auto accident attorneys in Orange County do?

Auto accident attorneys help people who’ve been hurt in car crashes. They deal with the law to get money for injuries and other losses.

2. Can I get money if I was really stressed after a car accident?

Yes, you could get money for emotional stress, called non-economic damages, on top of cash for physical hurts.

3. How does an attorney figure out who’s at fault in a car crash?

Attorneys look at things like duty of care and causation… Think: Did someone not do what they should have? That helps them find who’s responsible.

4. What if my injury doesn’t show up right away after an accident?

Some hurts, like soft tissue injuries or internal bruises, might not be seen immediately but lawyers can still help you claim.

5. Do attorneys charge me as soon as I talk to them about my car accident?

Nope! Many offer a free case evaluation first — you only pay if they win your case on this contingency basis thing.

6. Will my lawyer go to court for me if I’m hit by someone texting and driving?

Absolutely – Your lawyer will handle the tough stuff including complaints and court battles while focusing on getting you fair compensation.

General Facts

1. Bisnar Chase specializes in handling motor vehicle accident cases, including car crashes and truck accidents in Orange County.

2. The law firm has an outstanding success rate, with over $800M recovered and a 99 percent success rate.

3. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase are experienced trial lawyers with a proven track record, having helped over 14,000 clients, including thousands of car crash victims.

4. Brian Chase, a passionate advocate for plaintiff justice, is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and financial recovery.

5. Personal injury attorneys typically charge around 33 1/3 percent of a car accident lawsuit, with the proceeds coming directly from the settlement.

6. After a car accident, it is essential to seek legal advice from accident injury lawyers who specialize in handling car wrecks.

7. Bisnar Chase provides FAQs for California car accidents, addressing common questions such as the worth of hiring a lawyer, the timing of contacting a lawyer, the duration of the settlement process, chances of winning compensation without an attorney, and average settlement amounts.

8. After a car crash in Orange County, individuals should prioritize safety and seek medical attention, call the police, and document the scene while exchanging driver information.

9. In the case of a minor car accident with no police report, individuals should exchange relevant information and document the damages they experience.

10. In California, car accidents involving injury, death, or property damage over $1k need to be reported to the California Highway Patrol and relevant police departments.

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Facts about -Handling accident claims, Defining the Role of Auto Accident Attorneys

1. Bisnar Chase specializes in handling motor vehicle accident cases in Orange County.

2. It is essential to seek legal advice from accident injury lawyers who specialize in handling car wrecks after a car accident.

3. Aitken Aitken Cohn ranks in the top 10 law firms in California with a Tier 1 Ranking for their expertise and experience in handling car accident cases.

4. California law has a two-year time limit to file a claim for car accident injuries and losses.

5. Types of car accident compensation in California include medical expenses, lost wages and future wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.

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Facts about -Dealing with insurance companies, Defining the Role of Auto Accident Attorneys

1. Contacting an experienced attorney before negotiating with insurance companies can make a significant difference in the outcome of negotiations.

2. Dealing with insurance after an auto accident in Orange County involves maintaining a personal auto insurance policy and filing a claim against an at-fault driver’s policy to pursue compensation for damages.

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Facts about -Representing victims in court, Defining the Role of Auto Accident Attorneys

1. Bisnar Chase specializes in representing motor vehicle accident victims in court in Orange County, with over $800M recovered and a 99 percent success rate.

2. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase are experienced trial lawyers with a proven track record of representing over 14,000 clients, including car crash victims in court.

3. Contacting an accident attorney in Orange County can lead to receiving specialized legal representation and legal representation in court if necessary.

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Facts about -Skilled trial lawyers, Importance of Hiring an Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

1. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase are experienced trial lawyers with a proven track record, having helped over 14,000 clients, including thousands of car crash victims.

2. An experienced Orange County car accident lawyer can help injured drivers make sense of their options, handle difficult insurance claims, and hold negligent drivers accountable through a personal injury lawsuit.

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Facts about -Award-winning legal reputation, Importance of Hiring an Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

1. Bisnar Chase has an outstanding success rate and has recovered over $800M for clients, with a 99 percent success rate.

2. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase are experienced trial lawyers with a proven track record, having helped over 14,000 clients, including thousands of car crash victims.

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Facts about -Proven record of success, Importance of Hiring an Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

1. Bisnar Chase has helped over 14,000 clients, including thousands of car crash victims.

2. Aitken Aitken Cohn ranks in the top 10 law firms in California with a Tier 1 Ranking for their expertise, experience, and landmark results.

3. Aitken Aitken Cohn has achieved numerous successful settlements and arbitration awards in cases involving auto collision injuries.

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Facts about -How much do car accident lawyers charge?, Key Questions to Ask Your Orange County Car Accident Lawyer

1. Personal injury attorneys typically charge around 33 1/3 percent of a car accident lawsuit.

2. Personal injury attorneys typically work on a contingency fee basis, ranging from 31%-45% of the recovered compensation.

3. Car accident lawyers typically charge on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win the case.

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Facts about -What is my car crash case worth?, Key Questions to Ask Your Orange County Car Accident Lawyer

1. The value of a no-fault car crash case is based on the extent of injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering experienced.

2. Auto Accident Attorneys in Orange County can protect you financially by setting up medical liens and work to reduce your medical bills so that you keep more of your settlement.

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Facts about -How long do I have to file a car accident claim?, Key Questions to Ask Your Orange County Car Accident Lawyer

1. In California, you have two years to file a claim for personal injury resulting from a car accident.

2. Under California law, there\’s a two-year time limit to file a claim for car accident injuries and losses.

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Facts about -Reporting the accident, Steps to Take After an Auto Accident in Orange County

1. Car accidents involving injury, death, or property damage over $1k need to be reported to the California Highway Patrol and relevant police departments.

2. It is recommended to report a car accident to the relevant authorities and the California DMV within ten days of the accident, particularly if there are injuries or immediate dangers resulting from the accident.

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Facts about -Gathering evidence, Steps to Take After an Auto Accident in Orange County

1. Seek immediate medical attention after an auto accident, even if the pain is minor, as medical documentation is crucial for a bodily injury claim.

2. It is recommended to report a car accident to the relevant authorities and the California DMV within ten days of the accident, particularly if there are injuries or immediate dangers resulting from the accident.

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Facts about -Seeking medical treatment, Steps to Take After an Auto Accident in Orange County

1. Common auto accident injuries in OC are broken or fractured bones, traumatic brain injuries, whiplash, aortic dissection, scarring and disfigurement, spinal cord injury, amputations, nerve damage, internal bleeding, PTSD, and death.

2. Polytrauma is a combination of several injuries that can result in life-long serious medical issues or even death.

3. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is an investment in peace of mind, allowing an injured driver to focus on recovery while their attorney handles their personal injury case.

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Facts about -What information to provide, Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Auto Accident

1. Report the accident to the relevant authorities and the California DMV within ten days, particularly if there are injuries or immediate dangers resulting from the accident.

2. Prioritize safety and seek medical attention, call the police, and document the scene while exchanging driver information after a car crash in Orange County.

3. Contact your own insurance company first and provide the other party’s insurance information after a car accident.

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Facts about -How to handle insurance adjusters, Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Auto Accident

1. It is best to place your trust in a car crash lawyer working for you, with your best interests in mind, rather than an insurance agent whose job is to save money for the insurance companies.

2. Benefits of hiring a car accident attorney in Orange County include specialized legal representation, case assessment, evidence gathering, negotiation with insurance companies, and legal representation in court if necessary.

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Facts about -Dealing with uninsured or underinsured motorists, Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Auto Accident

1. If the person who hit you is uninsured or if it was a hit and run, file an uninsured motorist’s claim with your own insurance company.

2. California follows a pure comparative negligence statute, meaning a plaintiff may recover damages even if they bear some fault for causing an accident.

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Facts about -Determining who is at fault, Proving Negligence in an Auto Accident Claim

1. Negligent operation of a vehicle makes the operator liable for any damages caused by that carelessness.

2. Extensive investigation is often required to identify and prove the actions or inactions that caused the crash.

3. Causes of car accidents that can lead to a legal claim include distracted driving, fatigued driving, aggressive driving, drunk or drugged driving, and more.

4. Car accidents can also result from defects in the automobile, improper repairs, and serving an obviously intoxicated minor guest who then drives and causes injury.

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Facts about -Understanding California’s comparative fault laws, Proving Negligence in an Auto Accident Claim

1. California follows a pure comparative negligence statute, allowing a plaintiff to recover damages even if they bear some fault for causing an accident.

2. California’s comparative fault laws play a role in determining negligence in auto accident claims.

3. Factors influencing compensation from a car accident include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and the venue of the accident.

4. Venue plays a role in settlement verdicts, with Orange County having higher average settlement verdicts than San Bernardino County.

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Facts about -The concept of negligent entrustment, Proving Negligence in an Auto Accident Claim

1. “Negligent entrustment of a motor vehicle” holds a person or entity responsible for allowing someone else to use their vehicle when they knew or should have known that the driver was incompetent or reckless.

2. Negligent entrustment can lead to liability for the person who allowed the unfit driver to use the vehicle.

3. Negligent entrustment refers to the act of allowing another person to use a vehicle, knowing that they are unfit to operate it safely.

4. It can be proven in a car accident case if the individual who entrusted the vehicle knew or should have known that the driver was incompetent or reckless.

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Facts about -Medical expenses, Types of Compensation in Auto Accident Claims

1. Medical expenses can include past, present, and future medical costs.

2. Economic damages are higher for individuals with higher medical bills.

3. The severity of injuries has the most significant impact on the value of medical expenses in auto accident claims.

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Facts about -Lost wages, Types of Compensation in Auto Accident Claims

1. Personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, typically ranging from 31%-45% of recovered compensation.

2. To be reimbursed for lost income, individuals must show the time missed from work, injuries, and recovery, and how much money they would have made during that time.

3. Auto Accident Attorneys in Orange County can protect individuals financially by setting up medical liens and work to reduce their medical bills so that they keep more of their settlement.

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Facts about -Pain and suffering, Types of Compensation in Auto Accident Claims

1. The severity of injuries has the most significant impact on the value of a pain and suffering claim.

2. Compensation for a car accident may include pain and suffering, in addition to medical bills, lost wages, and property damage.

3. Car accident statistics in Orange County show a high likelihood of injury due to its large population.

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Facts about -Speeding, Common Causes and Types of Auto Accidents in Orange County

1. Speeding is a common cause of car accidents in Orange County.

2. The number of deaths from motor vehicle accidents in California increased from 3,540 in 2019 to 3,723 in 2020, indicating a potential correlation with speeding.

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Facts about -Distracted driving, Common Causes and Types of Auto Accidents in Orange County

1. Distracted driving is one of the common causes of auto accidents in Orange County.

2. Causes of car accidents that can lead to a legal claim include distracted driving.

3. An experienced lawyer is essential for understanding the legal system and securing rightful compensation, especially in cases involving distracted driving.

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Facts about -Drunk driving, Common Causes and Types of Auto Accidents in Orange County

1. Drunk driving is a common cause of car accidents in Orange County.

2. Types of car accidents related to drunk driving in Orange County include head-on collisions and side-impact collisions.

3. Under California law, there is a two-year time limit to file a claim for car accident injuries and losses related to drunk driving.

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Facts about -Hit and run incidents, Common Causes and Types of Auto Accidents in Orange County

1. After a hit and run accident, individuals should prioritize safety, seek medical attention, call the police, and document the scene while exchanging driver information.

2. If the person who caused the hit and run is uninsured, individuals should file an uninsured motorist’s claim with their own insurance company.

3. It is important to report a hit and run accident to the relevant authorities and the California DMV within ten days of the incident, particularly if there are injuries or immediate dangers resulting from the accident.

4. Liability and determining who’s liable are crucial to a successful hit and run car accident claim.

5. Auto Accident Attorneys in Orange County can protect individuals financially by setting up medical liens and work to reduce their medical bills.

6. Common auto accident injuries in Orange County are broken or fractured bones, traumatic brain injuries, whiplash, aortic dissection, scarring and disfigurement, spinal cord injury, amputations, nerve damage, internal bleeding, PTSD, and death.

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Facts about -Building a strong case, How Top Orange County Auto Accident Attorneys Can Help

1. Bisnar Chase has a successful track record of over $800M recovered and a 99 percent success rate in handling motor vehicle accident cases in Orange County.

2. It is essential to seek legal advice from accident injury lawyers specializing in handling car wrecks after a car accident.

3. Car accident photographs taken immediately following the accident can greatly increase credibility and provide proof of property damage or injuries, strengthening a personal injury case.

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Facts about -Negotiating with insurance companies, How Top Orange County Auto Accident Attorneys Can Help

1. The value of a no-fault car crash case is based on the extent of injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering experienced.

2. Contacting a car accident attorney can ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, as they will negotiate with insurance companies and build a strong personal injury case.

3. An experienced Orange County car accident lawyer can help injured drivers make sense of their options, handle difficult insurance claims, and hold negligent drivers accountable through a personal injury lawsuit.

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Facts about -Taking the case to trial if necessary, How Top Orange County Auto Accident Attorneys Can Help

1. Taking a car accident case to trial may be necessary to seek just compensation for losses and injuries incurred in car crashes.

2. The outcome of a car accident case can be influenced by factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, the severity of injuries, and the venue of the accident.

3. Car accident cases can be significantly more complicated than expected and may involve many roadblocks and challenges in recovering compensation for losses.

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Facts about -Checking the attorney’s experience and track record, Selecting the Right Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

1. Bisnar Chase has a success rate of over $800M recovered and a 99 percent success rate.

2. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase have helped over 14,000 clients, including thousands of car crash victims.

3. Easton & Easton LLP has a proven track record of success and does not represent insurance companies.

4. Aitken Aitken Cohn ranks in the top 10 law firms in California with a Tier 1 Ranking for their expertise, experience, and landmark results.

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Facts about -Looking at client reviews, Selecting the Right Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

1. Bisnar Chase has a 99 percent success rate in handling motor vehicle accident cases in Orange County.

2. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase are experienced trial lawyers who have helped over 14,000 clients, including car crash victims.

3. Brian Chase, a passionate advocate for plaintiff justice, is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and financial recovery after car accidents.

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Facts about -Scheduling a free consultation, Selecting the Right Auto Accident Attorney in Orange County

1. Individuals can schedule a free consultation with an experienced Orange County car accident lawyer to discuss their case.

2. The consultation can provide valuable information on the worth of hiring a lawyer and the timing of contacting a lawyer after a car accident.

3. Scheduling a consultation can help individuals navigate difficult insurance claims and hold negligent drivers accountable.

4. Proving negligence is a key factor that can be discussed during the free consultation with a car accident attorney.

5. The free consultation can also provide information on the two-year time limit to file a claim for car accident injuries and losses in California.

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