Understanding Child Custody Laws

Child Custody Laws
For many parents, diving into child custody laws can be really tough during a divorce or breakup. It gets even ...
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How Do Lawyers Manage Conflicts Of Interest With Opposing Counsel?

opposing counsel
Opposing Counsel Attorneys have a fiduciary duty to avoid representing clients whose interests conflict with those of another client. Conflicts ...
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What Are The Basic Steps In A Civil Law Lawsuit?

What Are The Basic Steps In A Civil Law Lawsuit?
When it comes to resolving legal disputes, civil law lawsuits play a significant role. They are an essential part of ...
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Empowering Justice: Introducing India’s New Mediation Law

Empowering Justice: Introducing India's New Mediation Law
Mediation Law : In the vast tapestry of India’s legal system, there’s a new thread being woven – one of ...
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